id quod volo

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Một Phút TLNN - Ngày 4

Sách Giáo Lý của Hội Thánh
dùng lời của thánh Gioan Kim Khẩu dạy rằng:
Bạn có thể cầu nguyện thường xuyên và sốt sắng,
khi ở ngoài chợ hay khi đi dạo một mình,
khi đang ngồi ở cửa hàng hay khi đang mua bán,
và ngay cả khi làm bếp.

Chúa ơi TLNN có giúp con
cầu nguyện mọi nơi mọi lúc không Chúa?

Bạn con nói:
TLNN không những tập cho con
có thể cầu nguyện mọi nơi mọi lúc ,
mà còn giúp con tìm gặp Chúa trong mọi sự

Có phải vậy không Chúa?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Môt Phút TLNN - Ngày 3

Bạn con khoe là đã được phép lạ sau 14 tuần làm TLNN.

Chúa ơi, con muốn được như vậy.

Tôi tò mò hỏi bạn xem đã nhận được phép lạ nào, bạn nói:

"Trước đây mình thường dằn vặt mình vì thấy mình tội lỗi, mình khó chịu về khuyết điểm của chồng, con, và của những người chung quanh. Bây giờ mình vui vì biết mình là 'một tội nhân mà Chúa vẫn yêu thương' và bình an chấp nhận giới hạn của họ. Mình tin đó là một phép lạ."

Bạn con nói:

Mục đích của TLNN là giúp từng bước biến đổi tâm hồn, sống thân mật với Chúa hơn, và yêu thương những nguời chung quanh hơn.

Có phải vậy không Chúa?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

anh em là Đền Thờ của Thiên Chúa

Lễ cung hiến Đền Thờ Latêranô

"Nào anh em chẳng biết rằng anh em là Đền Thờ của Thiên Chúa, và Thánh Thần Thiên Chúa ngự trong anh em sao? Vậy ai phá huỷ Đền Thờ Thiên Chúa, thì Thiên Chúa sẽ huỷ diệt kẻ ấy. Vì Đền Thờ Thiên Chúa là nơi thánh, và Đền Thờ ấy chính là anh em." (1 Cor. 3, 16-17)

Nghe những lời thánh Phaolô để luôn luôn ý thức lời mời gọi sống xứng đáng là đền thờ của Thiên Chúa!

Một Phút TLNN - Ngày 2

Đức Thánh Cha Bênêđictô XVI nói :
"Tin là tìm sống kinh nghiệm gặp gỡ đối thoại thân tình với Thiên Chúa."

Tôi đã có một đức tin như Đức Thánh Cha nhắc nhở chưa?

Làm sao “gặp gỡ đối thoại thân tình với Thiên Chúa được?

Con bận rộn suốt ngày, lạy Chúa xin chỉ cho con!

Bạn con nói:
Mục đích cuả TLNN là giúp đào sâu, đổi mới đời sống đức tin theo hướng Đức Thánh Cha vừa nhắc nhở.

Có đúng vậy không Chúa?

Một Phút TLNN - Ngày 1

Ngẫm nghĩ về TLNN và cầu nguyện ...

Chúa ơi, TLNN là gì?

TLNN có phải là một hội đoàn không?

Bạn con nói:

TLNN là những bài Cầu Nguyện với Kinh Thánh, giúp con Sống Nhẹ Nhàng. Nhẹ nhàng với Chúa, nhẹ nhàng với chính mình, nhẹ nhàng với những người chung quanh.

Có đúng vậy không Chúa?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

today's reflection

Luke 14:15-24

One of those at table with Jesus said to him,
"Blessed is the one who will dine in the Kingdom of God."
He replied to him,
"A man gave a great dinner to which he invited many.
When the time for the dinner came,
he dispatched his servant to say to those invited,
'Come, everything is now ready.'
But one by one, they all began to excuse themselves.
The first said to him,
'I have purchased a field and must go to examine it;
I ask you, consider me excused.'
And another said, 'I have purchased five yoke of oxen
and am on my way to evaluate them;
I ask you, consider me excused.'
And another said, 'I have just married a woman,
and therefore I cannot come.'
The servant went and reported this to his master.
Then the master of the house in a rage commanded his servant,
'Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town
and bring in here the poor and the crippled, the blind and the lame.'
The servant reported, 'Sir, your orders have been carried out
and still there is room.'
The master then ordered the servant,
'Go out to the highways and hedgerows
and make people come in that my home may be filled.
For, I tell you, none of those men who were invited will taste my dinner.'"

A few interesting points:

- It's not enough to be amazed at how marvelous the Kingdom is in order to be granted a place in it. (1)
- a lesson on discernment! what has priority? God's plan or mine?
- freedom! ... in order to make a good decision (the poor = poor in spirit = freedom) (2)
- and choose! ... to join the banquet in the Kingdom!

also, be aware ... God has His own time, when He wants to give, come, and call us; (not our schedule!) so, be vigilant and LISTEN!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

nhật ký trong Linh Thao

(Bài này trích trong cuốn A VACATION WITH THE LORD của Thomas Green S.J - mong sẽ giúp các bạn đang làm Linh Thao - 19th Annotation và TLNN)


A journal

An important tool of a good retreat is a journal. Journal workshops and keeping a journal of our prayer are fairly common today. I myself find it a very valuable tool for discernment. The idea is just to sit down for a few minutes, perhaps after each period of prayer, and to jot down in the journal what has happened in prayer. I find it most helpful to write talking to the Lord, because if I write talking to the book or to myself, my writing tends to be very "heady" -- focused on ideas and insights; whereas, as we shall stress, it is our feelings that we discern. I find when I write talking to the Lord, for example: "Lord, this hour was very difficult. I found myself distracted and restless, unable to center on you. But I tried to persevere, and in the last moment or two I felt your peace and your reassurance that the time was not wasted" -‑ as I say, when I write talking to the Lord, the journal very naturally focuses on my feelings. He knows all my ideas and insights already. It is what I felt and experienced that is uniquely me and that comes into focus for me when I write to him.

I see three values of a good journal in a retreat. First of all, we all tend to be introspective, to be looking over our shoulder at ourselves when we are praying. We tend to ask, "Am I really praying?" or "Is this really God?" In other words, we turn away from the actual prayer experience in order to look at ourselves praying, and that is not good. The journal, I believe, can be a great help in avoiding that introspection during our time of prayer. When I am tempted to ask whether I am praying, whether this is really God, I can say: "No. There will be a time for that question after the prayer, when I sit down with the journal. It is better just to go ahead and pray as best I can and not be analyzing my prayer now."

The second value of the journal is this: if I have a director, or if I myself am attempting to see the unity of the whole retreat experience as I go along, the journal can help me not to lose sight of the forest because of the trees. A good retreat is like the weather; it changes suddenly and unpredictably, and when we have dark days we tend to forget that the sun ever shone. As St. John of the Cross says, referring especially to the dark night, "When there is consolation we feel it will last forever; and when there is desolation we believe God is gone forever." The journal can help us to see these individual ups and downs as parts of a total experience. For that reason also, I always suggest to retreatants that the last prayer period in each day be a repetition of the whole day, asking for the grace of unity. I suggest they not use some new scriptural passage but, rather, reread their journal for the whole day or for the whole time of the retreat up to that moment, asking always to see the unity of the total experience. I believe that in a good retreat the Lord has just one "message" for us. It is an exciting adventure to discover gradually, with the help of the journal and the daily repetition, what that message is.

The journal's third value is realized when we come to speak to the director, to share what has been happening in our prayer. Usually it is not good, I think, to show the journal to the director. If we do, we will be writing it for the director, whereas it should be between the retreatant and the Lord. We should not be writing with a view to impressing someone else. But it can be very helpful before meeting the director to read over the journal to see what we wish to share.

A Director

In connection with this, the other important tool in a good retreat ideally is a director. Even if you are making a private retreat, I would recommend that you try to make it where someone is available to whom you can talk if and when necessary. Even if you are not seeing the director on a daily basis, at least you know that he is there, available to co‑discern if needed. If you do have a director, what should you share? Basically, I recommend two things. First of all, an overview, a general description of what has been happening in your prayer since last you met. If your last meeting was one or two days ago, what has been your experience over those one or two days? The journal will be helpful here. As you read it over before meeting the director, you can recall the flow of your experience since the last meeting. This general overview does not have to be in great detail; in ten or fifteen minutes you can give the director a sense of the general pattern of what has been happening in your prayer.

The second thing to share with the director is any specific parts of your experience that you feel need clarification or confirmation. Perhaps you are not sure if you are really hearing the Lord's voice. Or perhaps you experienced desolation and are not sure if you handled it properly. So the two elements of your sharing are a general overview of the flow of the retreat and any specific points needing clarification or confirmation. As we said earlier, the director is primarily an interpreter, a co‑discerner of your encounter with the Lord. To fulfill this role, he depends on your sharing of your experience.

tưởng nhớ

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay for awhile and leave footprints in our hearts, and we are never, ever, the same" ...

Ðể tưởng nhớ đến tất cả thân quyến, bạn bè đã ra đi trước, về cuộc sống vĩnh cửu với Chúa. Họ mãi mãi ở trong tâm trí chúng ta.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What is a saint?

"Reflecting on a stain glass window in an old church some years back, I have learned this: A saint is someone transparent enough to let the sunlight shine through. The more transparent (less opaque) the person be, the more brilliant and colorful he/she becomes.

Let us allow our life to be shown by the Light of Christ."