Thánh Têrêsa Hài Ðồng
Trích sách TỰ THUẬT - MỘT TÂM HỒN:
Con trở lại câu truyện những bài học Chúa dạy con. Buổi tối kia lúc đọc kinh xong, con tìm cái đèn con vẫn để trên bệ mà chẳng thấy; là giờ im lặng, không thể hỏi han ai được. Con nghĩ thầm hẳn có chị nào lấy lẫn đèn của con về dùng. Vì thế con phải chịu tối cả giờ, hơn nữa lại là tối con định làm nhiều việc! Phải mà khi ấy, Chúa chẳng ban ơn soi sáng bề trong, có lẽ con đã phàn nàn lắm; nhưng vì có ơn Chúa, chẳng những con đã không buồn bực, lại coi mình là có phúc ở chỗ đó. Con suy rằng sự nghèo khó đích thật chẳng những là vui lòng chịu thiếu thốn những gì mình thích, nhưng cả những gì mình coi là cần thiết nữa. Tối ấy, bề ngoài tối tăm u ám thật, nhưng linh hồn được ơn Chúa chiếu soi rạng rỡ lắm.
I'll return to the lessons Our Lord gave me. One evening, after Compline, I looked in vain for my lamp on the shelves where they are kept. As it was the Lent Silence, I couldn't ask for it. I thought rightly that a sister had taken it in mistake for hers. So, because of this mistake, I had to spend a whole hour in darkness and it was an evening when I'd planned to do a lot of work. But for the interior light of grace I should certainly have been very sorry for myself. As it was, instead of feeling upset, I rejoiced and thought that true poverty meant being without essentials, not only of pleasant things. And in the darkness of my cell my soul was flooded with divine light. (Autobiography - The Story of a Soul)

I'll return to the lessons Our Lord gave me. One evening, after Compline, I looked in vain for my lamp on the shelves where they are kept. As it was the Lent Silence, I couldn't ask for it. I thought rightly that a sister had taken it in mistake for hers. So, because of this mistake, I had to spend a whole hour in darkness and it was an evening when I'd planned to do a lot of work. But for the interior light of grace I should certainly have been very sorry for myself. As it was, instead of feeling upset, I rejoiced and thought that true poverty meant being without essentials, not only of pleasant things. And in the darkness of my cell my soul was flooded with divine light. (Autobiography - The Story of a Soul)