Let my soul bow in humble adoration before the Body of Christ

Heavenly Father, when Your priest holds up the host and says "the Body of Christ" let my soul bow in humble adoration before the love and humility of Jesus. Let my heart be a pure resting place for Your Son. I desire, dear Father, that the image of Jesus grow brighter in my soul after every Communion. At that tremendous moment God and I are one. My Jesus, so shine in me that together we may glorify the Father by bearing fruit in abundance. Let us go out into the world together and radiate Your love and kindness.
I am a child of God through Baptism and my resemblance to Him has grown stronger through Holy Communion. Somewhere, someplace, there is a Mass being said a Calvary to be present at a Communion to receive, either sacramentally or spiritually an opportunity to be more like Jesus, the privilege of helping my neighbor, a time to say "I thank You, God," a situation to choose Jesus over myself or a chance to make a sacrifice. Truly, the Mass will go on and on until one day the Father will say, as His Son once said, "It is finished." Yes, the Lamb of God shall reign triumphantly with all those who have been washed clean in His Blood.
Mother Angelica
The Mass in My Life