Missing Page
(24th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
A teacher asked her class to rewrite the parable of the lost sheep in a way that would make sense to the rest of the class. One student wrote: Suppose you had just finished typing a 100 page term paper. You had worked long hours in drafting it. You were exhausted but deeply relieved that the job was finished. You were collecting the papers to staple them, and bind them when you discovered that there was one page missing. Imagine the horror, the panic, the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. You drop the other 99 pages, and begin the anxious search. Everything in you is longing and aching for the sight of the missing page. Without that page the whole project falls limp. Suddenly, there in the corner, is the page. You excitedly push the chair aside, sending the 99 pages on it flying in all directions, and you are on your knees, reaching into the corner to touch and to grasp that page."
- Jack McArdle in 'And that's the Gospel truth'

- Jack McArdle in 'And that's the Gospel truth'